
Thuan Loi communal house

Thuan Loi residential group, Ninh Ha ward, Ninh Hoa town, Khanh Hoa province

  • Certification: 230826105022
  • Provincial monuments

Thuan Loi communal house was built in 1850 in the middle of the field, to the south is the river [known as Thuan Loi communal house] flowing through the ward.  Because this area used to be a wild land with many wild animals, it is not convenient for daily maintenance and incense.

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Hau Phuoc communal house is located in Thuan Loi residential group, Ninh Ha ward, Ninh Hoa town, Khanh Hoa province. The communal house was named after the village's name, when it was newly established, it was named Thuan Hoa, in 1909 changed it to Thuan Loi.

About the name of the village, in the beginning, the village was called "Thuan An commune" (Nom name is the land of Cay Sung, Quan Thi, Tu Luong), general Ha, Tan Dinh district, Binh Hoa district, Binh Hoa town. By the reign of King Dong Khanh (1886-1888)[1], Thuan An commune was changed to "Thuan Hoa commune", Ich Ha governorate, Tan Dinh district, Ninh Hoa government, Khanh Hoa province. In 1909, the name Thuan Hoa was changed to "Thuan Loi". After that, the administrative levels of governing units continued to change, but the name Thuan Loi was still maintained from that day until now.

Regarding the chronology, according to the memories of the old man in the village, Thuan Loi communal house was built in 1850 in the middle of the field, in the south is the river [known as Thuan Loi communal house] flowing through the ward. Because this area used to be a wild land with many wild animals, it is not convenient for daily maintenance and incense. Therefore, in 1856 the villagers moved the communal house to the beginning of the village (the location of the Martyrs Monument of the ward today). In 1907, the population increased, the administrative boundary of Thuan Loi village was expanded, in order to facilitate the management of the population and the planning of cultural institutions, the local government and people agreed to move to the village. move the family back to its original position.

Thuan Loi communal house was built to worship Ban Canh Thanh Hoang, Tien Hien, Thanh Nuong, and Muc Dong.

Over a long period of existence along with the harsh weather and war, Thuan Loi communal house has undergone the following renovations: 1856, 1907, 1971, 1984, 1989, 1994, 2000, 2001, 2004.

In terms of architectural layout, Thuan Loi communal house is located in the middle of Thuan Loi residential group, the front facing southeast in the campus has an area of 1,845 m2. From the outside to the inside, the communal house has an overall ground layout including the following architectural units: Nghi Mon, Phong Nha, Flag Pillar, Muc Dong Temple, Thanh Nuong Temple, Nghia Tu Temple, Tien Hien House, Main Hall, House. kitchen, back house.

The architecture, sculpture and decoration in Thuan Loi communal house are basically the same as other communal houses in Khanh Hoa, especially the system of four spirit dragons, unicorns, turtles, and phoenixes, which are fully exploited by artists with topics such as: : "Two dragons worship the sun", "Long ma papa", "Fisheries turn dragons" ... express the wish for a prosperous and happy life; The wooden frame in the main hall is structured into 02 sets because it forms a space consisting of 04 female columns, the military columns and porch columns are no longer but replaced by a load-bearing wall system. Because the roof structure is in the style of truss.

Regarding historical events, like many other communal houses in the province, during the periods of national liberation and reunification, Thuan Loi communal house was a place for young people to practice martial arts to be ready for battle; where local officials meet to discuss plans to fight the enemy; is the roof of the "popular academic" school of the people in the village and some neighboring villages; is a place to supply food and medicine for the front lines day and night to fight the enemy.

Every year, the people of Thuan Loi village organize the communal house festival on the auspicious day of the 4th lunar month, taking place in 2 days from 13:00 the previous day to 13:00 the next day. Thuan Loi communal house festival is an opportunity for villagers to tighten the spirit of solidarity with each other, as well as an opportunity for villagers to have fun after hard working days.

On April 13, 2010, Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee issued Decision No. 967/QD-UBND ranking Thuan Loi communal house as a provincial historical and cultural relic.

[1] National History of the Nguyen Dynasty (2003), Dong Khanh Geography, part of Khanh Hoa Province, Hanoi, Documents of the Institute of Far East Uncle Co Phap, Graduate School of French Practice and Institute of Han Nom Studies.