
Thanh Minh communal house

Thanh Minh village, Dien Lac commune, Dien Khanh district, Khanh Hoa province

  • Certification: 230826101025
  • Provincial monuments

Thanh Minh communal house is located in Thanh Minh village, Dien Lac commune, Dien Khanh district, Khanh Hoa province. Thanh Minh communal house is a place to contribute to the national liberation of the locality in particular and Khanh Hoa in general, the communal house is also a place to store food and medicine to support cadres and soldiers who are fighting to protect the people. in the Eastern line (Thanh Dien Khanh area).

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Thanh Minh communal house is located in Thanh Minh village, Dien Lac commune, Dien Khanh district, Khanh Hoa province.

Based on the earliest ordination that Thanh Minh communal house has preserved, bestowed by King Tu Duc in 1852, we can guess the construction date of the communal house around the first half of the nineteenth century.

The communal house still retains 13 ordinations granted by the Nguyen kings, including 05 ordinations of King Tu Duc, 02 ordinations of King Dong Khanh, 02 ordinations of King Duy Tan, 04 ordinations of King Khai Dinh.
- Ordaining Tu Duc in the 5th year (1852) to Bon Canh Thanh Hoang;
- Ordaining Tu Duc in the 5th year (1852) granted to Dai Can Quoc Nam Hai;
- Ordaining Tu Duc in the 5th year (1852) to Cao Cac deities;
- Ordaining Tu Duc in the 33rd year (1880) to the Nam Hai National Dai Can Committee;
- Ordaining Tu Duc in the 33rd year (1880) to Bon Canh Thanh Hoang;
- Ordaining Dong Khanh in the 2nd year (1887) to Bon Canh Thanh Hoang;
- Ordaining Dong Khanh in the 2nd year (1887) for Dai Can National Nam Hai;
- Ordaining Duy Tan in the 3rd year (1909) bestowed on Dai Can Quoc Nam Hai;
- Ordained Duy Tan in the 3rd year (1909) granted to Bon Canh Thanh Hoang;
- Ordaining Khai Dinh in the 9th year (1924) to Quan Thanh De Quan;
- Ordaining Khai Dinh in the 9th year (1924) bestowed on Dai Can Quoc Nam Hai;
- Ordaining Khai Dinh in the 9th year (1924) to Bon Canh Thanh Hoang;
- Ordained Khai Dinh in the 9th year (1924) bestowed on Cao Cac deities.

Over time, the communal house has been restored, embellished and repaired many times in the 22nd year of Tu Duc (1869), the 4th Bao Dai (1929), the biggest years of restoration left its mark in 1951, 1963, 1991 and most recently 2001.

The communal house worships the village's Thanh Hoang, the four deities Nam Hai, Cao Cac, Quan Thanh De Quan, Tien Hien, Hau Hien...

The layout of the communal house includes the following work items: Nghi Mon, flag pole, great communal house, Am Co Temple, Dong house.

Thanh Minh communal house turns to the South, located in the land area with a total area of 307.0m2.

The sacrifice is the terrace of the great communal house, connected to the main hall, the top is decorated with the pattern "Two dragons adoring the sun", the two sides of the corner are decorated with embossed figurines, on the poles are written couplets in Han Nom with two words. the first to form the family name:


The mighty bar of happiness reappears,
Minh shines extremely sun and moon field.


Bringing good omens to the heavens and the earth,
Incredibly long-lasting light.

The main hall has an ancient-style architecture, consisting of two floors with western tiled roofs, the top of which is decorated with embossed embossed patterns "Two dragons adoring the sun". The main hall is built on the foundation of split stone, the walls are built of bricks and cement.

Inside the main hall, there are four altars: in the middle is the altar of the Council, then the altar to worship God, on both sides of the altar are the altars of Ta Ban and Huu Ban.

Every year, Thanh Minh communal house organizes a festival according to local traditional rituals, the festival is held for two days from the 19th to the 20th of the 2nd lunar month.

During the resistance war against the French invasion, Thanh Minh communal house was a place to contribute to the national liberation of the locality in particular and Khanh Hoa in general, the communal house was also a place to store food and medicine to support the workers. soldiers and soldiers are fighting to protect the eastern line (Citadel of Dien Khanh area). The communal house is also used as a place for first aid and a gathering place for patriots who are ready to join the army to fight to defend the Fatherland.

In 2007, Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee ranked Thanh Minh Communal House as a provincial historical and cultural relic, in Decision No. 1524/QD-UBND dated August 22, 2007.