
Thanh Danh communal house

Ninh Diem ward, Ninh Hoa town, Khanh Hoa province

  • Certification: 230826100539
  • Provincial monuments

Thanh Danh communal house is located in a large land area located to the northeast of the residential area, in Ninh Diem ward, Ninh Hoa town, Khanh Hoa province.  According to oral tradition of local people, Thanh Danh communal house dates back to the late 18th century and early 19th century.  At first, the communal house was built with thatch of bamboo and thatched leaves: thatched roof, earthen walls.

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Dinh Thanh Danh is located in a large land area located to the northeast of the residential area, in Ninh Diem ward, Ninh Hoa town, Khanh Hoa province.

According to oral tradition of local people, Thanh Danh communal house dates back to the late 18th century and early 19th century. At first, the communal house was built with thatch of bamboo and thatched leaves: thatched roof, earthen walls. Currently, the communal house still preserves 4 ordinations of the Nguyen dynasties: ordination in the reign of King Thanh Thai in the 2nd year, in the reign of King Duy Tan in the 3rd year, in the reign of King Khai Dinh in the 2nd and 9th years.

Over time and war, the communal house was degraded many times and restored many times:

Year of the Dog 1826 - The communal house collapsed due to a storm. During the reign of King Thieu Tri the 7th (1847), the communal house was restored and rebuilt, including brick walls, lime mortar, yin and yang tiled roof, with items such as: Dai Dinh, East house, West house, Nghi Mon  (gate). and the wall surrounding the monument.

Due to the war, the communal house deteriorated and was in danger of collapsing, in the year of the Rooster (1969), the village elders gathered to mobilize people to collect money for the effort of rebuilding the communal house, although it was not as massive as before. but still superficial, dignified.

In 1989, the communal house was restored again in places that were degraded and built with coral stone walls, which has existed until today.

The relic turns to the east, located on high land, more than 2,000m2 wide; lying on a field with a cool space; In the campus of the relic, there are also three large old trees, with a canopy of several hundred square meters: 2 sea gloves, each with a diameter of approximately 7m and a tamarind tree with a diameter of approximately 4m, creating a communal house. ancient, dark features.

From the outside, there are the following works: Nghi Mon and surrounding wall, flagpole, courtyard, feng shui project, courtyard, Temple of God, Temple of Son Lam, Great Communal House, Temple of Tien Hien, hall house.

In the past, the traditional festival of Thanh Danh communal house was held twice a year in spring and autumn "Spring and autumn sacrifice", worshiping the temple on the 16th day of the second lunar month, worshiping the God Emperor on the 16th day of the seventh lunar month. calendar. But about 10 years ago, people in the village agreed to take the 12th day of the 7th lunar month every year as the festival day of the communal house. Every three years in the festival, there is a boi singing festival.

Dinh Thanh Danh is both an architectural and artistic relic, and a historical relic related to the resistance war against the French colonialists, where a guerrilla group led by Comrade Tran May together with comrades Nguyen Place , Ba Ton, Le Dau, Le Lam, Nguyen Phu,... held meetings to discuss and propagate revolutionary activities in the locality; In 1945, the guerrilla group captured and punished the Viet Cong in the village. The communal house is also a place to preserve and preserve the culture, customs and habits of the Vietnamese community here in particular as well as in Khanh Hoa in general.

With historical and cultural values, on November 21, 2005 Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee issued Decision No. 2342/QD-UBND ranking Thanh Danh communal house as a provincial relic.

Hoang Quy