
Phuoc Da communal house

Residential group 15, Ninh Hiep ward, Ninh Hoa town, Khanh Hoa province

  • Certification: 230826155929
  • Provincial monuments

Phuoc Da communal house is located in a land area with a total area of 2,574.6m2, the facade of the communal house faces to the south.  From the outside to the inside, Phuoc Da communal house has the following overall layout: Nghi Mon, Phong Nha, Ngu Hanh Temple, Son Lam Temple, Main Hall, East House, West House, Tien Hien Temple.

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Phuoc Da communal house is located in residential group 15, Ninh Hiep ward, Ninh Hoa town, Khanh Hoa province.

The name of the communal house is named after Phuoc Da village. The reason it is called Phuoc Da is because the villagers wish that the gods would bless the villagers with many blessings.

Based on the earliest ordination that King Tu Duc conferred in the 5th year to the village citadel who was worshiped at Phuoc Da communal house in 1852 (Nham Ty), we can determine the relative age of Phuoc Da communal house in the first half of the nineteenth century, because naturally the communal house had to be built and after that time was bestowed the ordination by the feudal court. According to the memoirs of the local old man, the person who had great merit in converting the people, establishing a village and starting the communal house of Phuoc Da village was Thuong Thu Nguyen Xuan Thuc[1].

After Phuoc Da village[2] was established for some time, Phuoc Da communal house was also formed. From the very beginning, the communal house of Phuoc Da village was just a simple house made of bamboo and cork leaves in Phuoc Da 2 village to meet three main needs, that is, administration (meeting, dealing with people's affairs. village ...), culture (where cultural activities, arts, entertainment, etc.) country...).

Currently, Phuoc Da communal house still preserves 05 ordinations bestowed by the Nguyen kings:
- Ordained November 29, Tu Duc year 5 (1852);
- Ordained November 24, Tu Duc year 33 (1880);
- Ordained on July 1, Dong Khanh in the second year (1886);
- Ordained on August 11, Duy Tan in the 3rd year (1909);
- Ordained July 25, Khai Dinh in the 9th year (1924).

Phuoc Da communal house was built to worship Ban Canh Thanh Hoang, Tien Hien, Tho Cong, Ngu Hanh, Thien Y A Na, and Son Lam Lords.

Phuoc Da communal house is located in a land area with a total area of 2,574.6m2, the facade of the communal house faces to the south. From the outside to the inside, Phuoc Da communal house has the following overall layout: Nghi Mon, Phong Nha, Ngu Hanh Temple, Son Lam Temple, Main Hall, East House, West House, Tien Hien Temple

Phuoc Da communal house main hall

About architecture: The highlight of the monument is the traditional wooden frame structure system, which is still relatively intact and fully preserved according to traditional principles. The entire wooden frame structure of the main hall consists of 32 columns, divided into 6 rows of columns, the wooden frame has the function of supporting the roof system above and contributes to the solidity of the building. Because the roof is structured in the style of a truss. The highlight in the decoration of the main hall is the paintings on the wall that are diverse in color and rich in themes, including: natural landscapes (birds, flowers, etc.), daily life scenes, village scenes, etc. phoenix, dragon, unicorn... These are valuable paintings in terms of art and the arrangement, harmonious arrangement, and aesthetics are shown on the continuation between the wall and the roof system...all things That increases the majesty, respect and closeness to the people in the village.

Since its inception, Phuoc Da communal house has undergone three overhauls: 1941, 1974 and 2016.

Every year, the people of residential group 15, Ninh Hiep ward organize the Spring Festival on the full moon of February and the Fall Festival in August. In addition, the communal house also organizes a ceremony to worship Ba Thien Y A Na Thanh Mau (March 18 of the lunar calendar) and worship on the full moon days, the Lunar New Year...

During the resistance wars for national liberation and reunification, Phuoc Da communal house was the site of a number of typical historical events as follows:
- During the resistance war against the French colonialists, at Phuoc Da communal house, the Youth Self-Defense Team of Phuoc Da village was established under the command of Mr. Nguyen Xuan Long (Muoi Long). Here, the Youth Self-Defense Team practiced tactics and strategies such as hand-to-hand combat, guerrilla fighting and other forms of combat such as reconnaissance, ambush, killing evil, etc.
- In September 1945, the communal house of Phuoc Da village received the Southern army to station and train for a month to prepare to intercept the French colonialists in Nha Trang. All logistics during this time are taken care of by the villagers, everyone is working enthusiastically with the spirit of "All for the frontline, all for victory".

On March 19, 2008, Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee issued Decision No. 704/QD-UBND ranking Dinh Phuoc Da as a provincial historical and cultural relic.

[1] About the life and career of Mr. Nguyen Xuan Thuc, please see details in the memorial monument of Thuong Thuc Nguyen Xuan Thuc.
[2] Before 1975, Phuoc Da village was divided into 4 villages: Phuoc Da 1, Phuoc Da 2, Phuoc Da 3, Phuoc Da 4. In October 1978, Ninh Hoa town was established, Phuoc Da village was divided. are as follows: Phuoc Da villages 1, 2, 4 belong to Ninh Hoa town; Phuoc Da 3 village is located in Ninh Da commune.