
Phung Cang communal house

Phung Cang village, Ninh Hung commune, Ninh Hoa town, Khanh Hoa province

  • Certification: 230826105105
  • Provincial monuments

Dinh Phung Cang is located in Phung Cang village, Ninh Hung commune, Ninh Hoa town, Khanh Hoa province.  The communal house is also known by the name My Cang communal house.  In the memory of the local old man, Phung Cang communal house has existed for a long time in the area with the customary name Dong Cay Cham, located between Phuoc My and Phung Cang villages (about 250m southwest of today's location).  , then the house was moved to its present location.

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Dinh Phung Cang is located in Phung Cang village, Ninh Hung commune, Ninh Hoa town, Khanh Hoa province. The communal house is also known by the name My Cang communal house[1].

In the memory of the local old man, Phung Cang communal house has existed for a long time in the area with the customary name Dong Cay Cham, located between Phuoc My and Phung Cang villages (about 250m southwest of today's location). , then the house was moved to its present location. Based on the ordination of Thanh Thai in the second year (1890), we can determine the relative date of Phung Cang communal house in the nineteenth century.

Over a long period of existence, Phung Cang communal house has undergone many renovations: 1924, 1956, 1994, 2001, 2014, 2017.

Currently, Phung Cang communal house still retains 03 ordinations of the Nguyen kings bestowed on Thien Y A Na, specifically:
- Ordained on February 20 of the reign of King Thanh Thai in the 2nd year (1890);
- Ordained on August 11 of the reign of King Duy Tan in the 3rd year (1909);
- Ordained on July 25, reign of King Khai Dinh, year 9 (1924).

Phung Cang communal house was built to worship the village Thanh Hoang, Thien Y A Na, Tien Hien, Ngu Hanh, Than Nong, Hau Tho, Son Lam, fallen soldiers and people with meritorious services to the people and the country.

Phung Cang Communal House is located in an area of 2,372 m2, with the front facing south. From the outside to the inside, the communal house has an overall layout including: An Phong, Thien Y Temple, Hau Tho Temple, Son Lam Temple, Than Nong Temple, and the main hall.

The highlight in the architecture of Phung Cang communal house is the system of legends decorated on the walls and roof system with familiar topics such as: "Long Ma and Phu Tu", "Flower Bird", "Song Phung Trieu Duong", " Eight immortals", "Two dragons adoring the sun"... The legends aim at the wish of a bountiful harvest, peace, peace and development, and people have good health and luck in life.

Every year, the people of Phung Cang village organize a communal house festival on the 18th day of the third lunar month. In the rituals taking place during the festival, the ceremony of ordination procession from Phung Son pagoda (Ninh Hung commune) to the communal house is a highlight. Phung Cang communal house festival in particular as well as communal communal house festival in general, besides being a festival for villagers to have fun after hard working days, it also contributes to making the village friendship more and more solid and alive. "Dark fire and turn off the lights" are more together through taking care of the common deity of the village.

Regarding historical events, during the resistance war against the French colonialists, Phung Cang communal house was also the place where Comrade Vu Trung An gathered young people in the village to study political ideology and train martial arts to be ready for war. fight. In 1947, the French colonialists demolished the communal house and used wood to make Tan Hung fort. In 1956, people rebuilt the communal house on the old ground and small shrines (Hau Tho, Than Nong, Son Than, Thien Y A Na) around. In addition, in front of the communal house yard, there is an ancient tamarind tree that was bombarded by the French colonialists.

On April 13, 2010, Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee issued Decision No. 969/QD-UBND ranking Phung Cang communal house as a provincial historical and cultural relic.

[1] Before 1810, Phung Cang village was called My Cang. The name of the communal house is named after the name of the village and when the village name changes, the communal house also changes.