The main hall of Phu Tho communal house has a picture of a fresco written in Han Nom (亭 富 壽) - Dinh Phu Tho and a line of lacunae: (成 泰 庚 午) - Thanh Thai Canh Ngo. According to the Vietnamese chronology, it was found that Thanh Thai did not have the year of the Horse, but corresponding to the reign of King Thanh Thai, there was only the year of Giap Ngo (1894), so maybe the later people corrected the diaphragm and mistakenly recorded it as the year of the Horse. Based on the diaphragm in the main hall, it can be assumed that the communal house was built around the beginning of the 19th century.

Hoanh Phi painting in Chinese Nom is hung at Dinh Phu Tho
Phu Tho communal house worships Thanh Hoang and worships Tien Hien, Son Lam Lord General, Ngu Hanh Goddess, Thuy Tinh Than Nu...
The communal house has the following overall premises: Nghi mon, feng shui, martial arts, great communal house, east house, west house, Tien Hien house, warehouse.
From the time of construction until now, the communal house has undergone restoration and embellishment: In 1942, people rebuilt the communal house with limestone, roofed with yin and yang tiles; In 1965, due to war, the communal house collapsed and in 1967, the communal house was rebuilt; in 1978, built martial arts house, east house, west house.
The highlight of the house is that the wooden frame structure system is still preserved relatively intact, the decorations are sharp and delicate, the natural landscape is in harmony with the architectural structure. The main temple of Phu Tho is formed from two sets of pillars and four columns in the middle. Because the roof structure is in the style of truss; two long men slanted diagonally along the slope of the roof, entwined at the top, and then ran down the wall. Linking the two sets as the beams create a solid wooden frame structure. Architecture is formed from the connection of the wooden frame, in the wooden frame structure, because it is the basic element, it is both the bearing structure, supporting the roof and the spatial constituting system of the building. house.
In addition to the embossed decoration on the roof system, the communal house is also decorated with carved patterns on top of the dragon's head. These decorative sculptures have softened the rough features of the frame structure, which are long smooth and straight wooden bars and columns, making the communal house more lively and attractive.
The communal house was built in the style of "Nhat" (- ), consisting of two western-tiled roofs, on the roof bank decorated with the pattern "Two dragons adoring the day" and the shape of four spirits (Long, Lan, Quy, Phung). The front of the main hall is written in Chinese characters: (亭 富 壽 - Dinh Phu Tho), on the columns write couplets in Chinese Nom with the first letter compounded from the name of the communal house.
- The first pair of sentences:
Phu Son lusts after the people of Khuong Anh spiritual land,
Tho Thanh Hai Yen three vases of pure land Chu Thien.
Phu - mountains are common, rich people are rich and spiritual,
Tho - the sea in support, the waves are calm and the wind is calm for all people.
- Second pair of couplets:
Rich in all the extra resources, the people of Thien Co Thanh,
Tho chi vi precious customs and fine customs of thousands of families.
Rich in stock, good and bright character, ancient,
Tho is so precious, fine customs and traditions are everywhere.
To the right of the main hall is the Tien Hien house, with the same architectural structure as the main hall, but lower, consisting of four wooden columns, with a western tiled roof; Inside, there are three altars: in the middle is the altar of Tien Hien, on the two sides are the altar to worship Son Lam Lord General and the altar to worship Ngu Hanh Goddess and Thuy Tinh Goddess.
Every year, Phu Tho communal house is held a festival on two days of June 16 and June 17 (lunar calendar).
Phu Tho communal house was ranked a provincial-level relic by the Provincial People's Committee in Decision No. 2986/QD-CT.UBND, dated November 7, 2014, in the category of architectural and art monuments.