
Phu Da communal house

Phu Da village, Ninh Hung commune, Ninh Hoa town, Khanh Hoa province

  • Certification: 230826105123
  • Provincial monuments

Phu Da communal house is located in an area of 1,225 m2, facing south.  From the outside to the inside, the communal house has an overall layout as follows: Courthouse, main hall, Tien Hien temple, west house, east house, Hau Tho temple, kitchen and water well.  The communal house is structured in the style of a three-man mountain with the main hall in the middle being made higher, the two sides are the Tien Hien Temple and the Western house (worshiping spirits, spirits, soldiers) lower.

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Phu Da communal house is located in Phu Da village, Ninh Hung commune, Ninh Hoa town, Khanh Hoa province.

According to the recollections of the local old man, Phu Da communal house was built in the period 1880-1883. The most reliable document to confirm the date of Phu Da communal house is the ordination, based on the ordination of Thanh Thai in the 2nd year (1890) to Thai Giam Bach Ma, which is still preserved at the relic, we can guess the heritage. The site was built around the second half of the nineteenth century. Experiencing its existence, Phu Da communal house has undergone many renovations in the years: 1905, 1947, 1961, 1993, 2012.

Phu Da communal house was built to worship Thanh Hoang Ban Canh, Tien Hien, Hau Hien, Hau Tho, Tien Su, Tho Cong, martyrs, Am Soul...

Currently, Phu Da communal house still preserves 03 ordinations of the Nguyen kings bestowed on Thai Giam Bach Ma, including:
- February 20, reign of King Thanh Thai, year 2 (1890);
- August 11 of the reign of King Duy Tan in the 3rd year (1909);
- July 25, reign of King Khai Dinh, year 9 (1924)

Phu Da communal house is located in an area of 1,225 m2, facing south. From the outside to the inside, the communal house has an overall layout as follows: Courthouse, main hall, Tien Hien temple, west house, east house, Hau Tho temple, kitchen and water well.

The communal house is structured in the style of a three-man mountain with the main hall in the middle being made higher, the two sides are the Tien Hien Temple and the Western house (worshiping spirits, spirits, soldiers) lower. The roof system consists of 2 roofs, roofed with western tiles. Decoration and sculpture are murals or embossed stories with the meaning of praying for a bountiful harvest, healthy people, peaceful and prosperous life with familiar themes such as: Natural landscapes Of course, the phoenix, the pine, the tiger, the "Two dragons worshiping the sun", the unicorn, the phoenix, the crane... In particular, the wooden frame in the main hall and the Tien Hien temple has a structure of 2 sets because it forms a space, including 02 female columns (without military columns and porch columns). Because the roof structure is truss type. All wooden structures are well preserved and according to traditional principles.

Every year, on the 10th day of the 3rd lunar month on the Thanh Minh period (Lunar calendar), the villagers organize a communal house festival in Phu Da village. The opening time lasts 2 days and 1 night (from March 9 to March 10).

During the French colonial period, Phu Da communal house was one of the places for Viet Minh cadres to meet to fight the enemy. During the resistance war against the French colonialists, Phu Da communal house was a place to supply food, medicine and a place where local officials met to fight the enemy. In March 1947, the French bombarded and damaged the communal house completely. In 1955, the villagers rebuilt the communal house on the old ground. During the resistance war against the American imperialists, the communal house of Phu Da village continued to be a place of observation, ambush and a springboard to attack from the west of the headquarters of Ninh Hung commune - ie the east of the communal house; This is the place where the armed forces used to defend and prevent the puppet troops from attacking from the East to protect the liberated area.

On April 13, 2010, Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee issued Decision No. 968/QD-UBND ranking Phu Da communal house as a provincial historical and cultural relic.