
Phu Coc communal house

Trung village, Dien Lam commune, Dien Khanh district, Khanh Hoa province

  • Certification: 230826102944
  • Provincial monuments

Phu Coc communal house is located in the middle of Trung village, Dien Lam commune, Dien Khanh district, Khanh Hoa province. Phu Coc communal house is an artistic architectural work erected to worship the village's Thanh Hoang, Bach Ma, Four Nam Hai; Good Money, Good Afternoon. The relic is located on a relatively flat and spacious land, on the national highway 39B, with an area of 7,065m2.

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Phu Coc communal house is located in the middle of Trung village, Dien Lam commune, Dien Khanh district, Khanh Hoa province.

According to the oral tradition of the village elders, the relic has existed for more than two centuries with the harsh climate of the South Central region, with a lot of rain, and at the same time, Dien Lam commune is a commune in Dien district. Independence; Due to the terrain bordering the mountainous district of Khanh Vinh, there are many mountains and hills, dense forests, convenient for revolutionary activities, so during the war, it suffered the most fierce destruction of the enemy. After the liberation of the country, the communal house was seriously damaged, the columns, trusses, forks, beams... were no longer able to restore. Therefore, with the consent of the local government, the people in the village joined hands and contributed to rebuilding the new communal house next to the ruined old communal house. This new construction started in 2002.

Phu Coc communal house is an artistic architectural work erected to worship the village's Thanh Hoang, Bach Ma, Four Nam Hai; Good Money, Good Afternoon.

The communal house currently retains 10 ordinations given by the Nguyen kings, of which 5 are for the Bach Ma God, 04 for the Nam Hai Four, and 01 for the Thanh Hoang Ban Canh.
- Ordaining Tu Duc in the 5th year (1852) to Ban Canh Thanh Hoang;
- Ordaining Tu Duc 5 (1852) conferred on the Dai Cang National Nam Hai the Four Holy Queens;
- Ordaining Tu Duc in the 5th year (1852) to Bach Ma
- Ordaining Tu Duc in the 33rd year (1880) conferred on Ban Canh Thanh Hoang
- Ordaining Tu Duc in the 33rd year (1880) conferred on Nam Hai the Four Holy Queens of the Great Government
- Ordaining Tu Duc in the 33rd year (1880) to Bach Ma;
- Ordaining Dong Khanh in the 2nd year (1886) conferred on Nam Hai National Dai Cang Four Holy Queens:
- Ordaining Duy Tan in the 3rd year (1909) conferred on Nam Hai the Four Holy Queens of the Great Government of Nam Hai;
- Ordaining Duy Tan in the 3rd year (1909) conferred on Ban Canh Thanh Hoang;
- Ordaining Khai Dinh in the 9th year (1924) to worship Ban Canh Thanh Hoang and Bach Ma.

The relic is located on a relatively flat and spacious land, on the national highway 39B, with an area of 7,065m2.

The main hall has a 2nd floor, 8th floor, 8 roofs, on the 4 roofs of the ancient floor is embossed with a dragon image, the top is embossed with the sun, the sides of the ancient floor are decorated with images of Tay Son insurgents fighting with Nguyen Anh's army. The main hall has two large round columns of lime, cement covered with dragons wrapped around.

In the middle is the altar of God, on the top is a wooden altar decorated with the image of "Two dragons adoring the moon". On both sides are the altars of Ta Ban and Huu Ban, with a pair of parallel sentences praising the merits of the Holy Spirit:

Holy grace is high in the North
Oai God shines in the South sky.

Before 1945, Phu Coc communal house was a place for military training of the commune to prepare for battle, and it was also a place where cadres often met and discussed building forces to seize power.

During the period against French colonialism and American imperialism, the communal house was the place where many historical events of the locality took place. In 1960, at Phu Coc communal house, there was an ambush of our army, which caused many puppet soldiers to be injured and killed, and our army sacrificed a second lieutenant named Phan Lang - a local.

From 1954 to 1975, the communal house was a meeting place, stopping and resting temporarily for cadres, soldiers and militiamen before returning to Dong Gang base, because the communal house had a favorable location to stay.

Every year, Phu Coc communal house is held in the spring, on the 10th day of the third lunar month.

Recognizing the typical historical - cultural values of the monument, in 2007 Phu Coc communal house was issued by Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee Decision No. 2018 QD/ People's Committee ranked as a provincial historical - cultural relic.