
Lap Dinh communal house

Cam Hoa Commune, Cam Lam District, Khanh Hoa Province

  • Certification: 230826155610
  • Provincial monuments

Lap Dinh Communal House contains many typical architectural and artistic values, the images decorated on architectural elements are quite uniform in terms of technique as well as style, showing the traditional characteristics of Khanh Hoa.  such as: embossed art: "Two dragons adoring moon", "Tiger", "Tiger", stylized patterns of dragons, painting art of landscape paintings of plains and sea and islands

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Dinh Lap Dinh belongs to Lap Dinh village, Cam Hoa commune, Cam Lam district, Khanh Hoa province (formerly Dai An Tan Lap commune, belongs to Tong Ha, Vinh Xuong district, Dien Khanh district).

The relic was built in the middle of the 19th century, to worship Ban Canh Thanh Hoang, Ngu Hanh, Son Lam and the predecessors and late sages who openly set up hamlets.

Since its inception, the monument has undergone renovations in the years: 1938, 1954, 1969 and 1973.

The communal house has an overall ground plan including Tien Te and Chinh Dinh buildings arranged in the shape of the letter (二) and the construction items of Nghi Mon, Phong Nha, Martial Ca, Tien Hien and Thanh Minh Temples, Ngu Hanh Temple, and Son Temple. forest.

The money was built for the purpose of being used as a place for people to sacrifice offerings to God. The four columns of the front porch are embossed with the mascot "Dragon rolling the column" and inscribed a couplet sentences in Han Nom characters with the first letter of the communal house's name:

Set up at the communal house, worshiping Ha Dung is a ritual ceremony.
Dinh Vu commune, Trung Van street, refurbished.

Lap (standing) at the door of the communal house, worshiping and reverent according to ancient rituals,
Determined in the commune, in the writer's house, everything is refurbished.

The main palace of Lap Dinh

Regarding the main architectural structure, which is designed in the traditional Vietnamese architectural style, the load-bearing system with a wooden frame includes: 4 female columns linked with 2 sets of because, designed in the style of truss, the side above is the system of diaphragm, rafters, sesame ... forming a solid bearing system to support the roof system.

In the main hall is arranged as follows: in the middle is the altar of the Council, the two sides are the left side and the right side. After the altar of the Council is the altar with the word Thanh Hoang, the two sides of the altar are Ta ban, Huu ban.

Lap Dinh Communal House also preserves many tangible and intangible heritage values of the village: consecration, imperial conjugation, Han Nom couplets, gongs, drums, worship rituals, worshiping poems, worshiping music, etc. Lap Dinh family:
- Sac Thanh Thai year 2 (1890) conferred the title Emperor;
- Sac Duy Tan in the 3rd year (1909) conferred the title of Citadel.

The altar to worship the gods at Lap Dinh communal house

Lap Dinh Communal House contains many typical values of artistic architecture, the images decorated on architectural elements are quite uniform in terms of technique as well as style, showing the traditional characteristics of Khanh Hoa. such as: embossed art: "Two dragons adoring moon", "Tiger", "Tiger", stylized patterns of dragons, painting art of landscape paintings of plains and sea islands... These are really works of art. talented products left by ancient artists. Through the works in Lap Dinh communal house, we can partly see the artistic value of the monument, the decorative themes on the architectural elements, we can see some of the ancient features of the initial construction. , although during the existence of the house has been repaired many times.

In addition to architectural and artistic value, Lap Dinh communal house is also the center of beliefs and cultural activities of local people. Every year, from the 18th to the 20th day of the 3rd lunar month, the people here organize from worshiping activities to festivals with folk performances (singing boi) to commemorate the gods, the people with meritorious services to the village, while also increasing the community solidarity of the residents here.

With typical values, Lap Dinh communal house has been ranked as a provincial historical-cultural relic by the People's Committee of Khanh Hoa province in Decision No. 2861/QD - People's Committee dated November 11, 2009.