
Khanh Thanh communal house

Khanh Thanh village, Suoi Cat commune, Cam Lam district, Khanh Hoa province

  • Certification: 230826111318
  • Provincial monuments

Dinh Khanh Thanh is located on a large flat land with a total area of 1,511.5m2, located in the north of the village, the relic turns to the East.  From the outside to the inside, the communal house has the following overall layout: Nghi Mon, Phong Court, Pre-Sacrificial Temple, Post-Place, Tien Hien Temple, Western House, Water Well, Quan Thanh Temple, Cao To Tomb.

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Khanh Thanh communal house now belongs to Khanh Thanh village, Suoi Cat commune, Cam Lam district, Khanh Hoa province, about 25km south of Nha Trang city (formerly Khanh Thanh commune, Vinh Xuong district, Dien Khanh district).

Khanh Thanh Communal House was started   in which year, there is currently no written document specifying it.

According to the village elders, “according to an old legend, on a night of heavy rain and strong wind in 1889. When the morning dawned, the sky cleared and the rain stopped, villagers went to the fields to visit rice, and saw it at Cay mound. Dui, Khanh Thanh Dong appeared strange things: From afar, it looked like someone's house had just been built in the rainy night. People immediately informed the responsible elders in the village, namely Tran Duc Kinh, Nguyen Ngoc Fan, Nguyen Bui and Nguyen Ngoc Long. The old men and the villagers came to see it, it was a four-pillar house, after looking closely, there were still many large elephant footprints (known as Mr. Bo's feet at that time) still standing. Since then, people believe that this house was brought by Mr. Bo from another place as a gift to Khanh Thanh village. Spiritual belief was multiplied strongly, the villagers together donated their efforts, money, embellished the foundation, plastered walls, embellished the village's shrine (named Ong Temple) to commemorate the merits of Mr. carry the temple back to the village. Starting from that spirituality, the idea of building Khanh Thanh village communal house to have a place to worship ancestors, God Hoang Bon Xu, the predecessors had openly reclaimed land, converted the people to establish a village, and prayed for the nation's peace and prosperity. The rain and wind are peaceful, the crops are good, the house is warm."

Regarding the age of the relic, based on the above evidences, especially the earliest ordination in the 2nd year of Khai Dinh (1917) ordained Thien Y A Na Thanh Mau to be worshiped in the communal house, there is a basis for the body. Khanh Thanh communal house dating back to the late 19th century; Because, the communal house must be built and undergo a period of worship, then it will be ordained by the kings.

Miếu Quan Thanh

Quan Thanh Temple at Khanh Thanh Communal House

The communal house was built by all people in Khanh Thanh village with their money and effort to worship Ban Canh Thanh Hoang and worship Thien Y A Na Thanh Mau, Quan Thanh, Tien Hien, Hau Hien ...

Since its inception, the house has been renovated many times.

Đình Khánh Thành ngày nay

Khanh Thanh communal house today

In 1989, Mr. Dang Dau mobilized people to contribute to restoration, roofing, putting dragons on the roof, rebuilding the project, painting and whitewashing.

In 2001, the communal house was degraded, the roof was dilapidated, many wooden structures were damaged by termites, with the mobilization of the old men, people in Khanh Thanh village together contributed money and made great efforts to restore the house. family.

Dinh Khanh Thanh is located on a large flat land with a total area of 1,511.5m2, located in the north of the village, the relic turns to the East.

From the outside to the inside, the communal house has an overall layout as follows: Nghi Mon, Phong Nha, front hall, post hall, Tien Hien Temple, West House, Water Well, Quan Thanh Temple, Cao To Tomb.

At present, Khanh Thanh communal house still preserves many valuable artifacts: worshiping gods, pair of parasols, set of holes, gongs, drums, Thanh la, costumes, ceremonial costumes... Especially the four monasteries. The gifts given by the King of the Nguyen Dynasty include:
- Ordaining Khai Dinh in the second year (1917) to Thien Y A Na;
- Ordaining Khai Dinh in the 9th year (1924) to Thien Y A Na;
- Ordained Khai Dinh in the second year (1917) conferred the title of Kim Tinh Than Nu;
- Ordained Khai Dinh in the 9th year (1924)  feng Kim Tinh Than Nu.


Ordinances of the Kings of the Nguyen Dynasty bestowed on reservations at Khanh Thanh communal house

Every year, the village communal house festival is held on the 17th day of the second lunar month bearing bold traditional cultural identity of the locality.

In addition to its cultural and artistic values, this is also the place where many local revolutionary activities took place during the two resistance wars against the French colonialists and the American imperialists.

With the above typical value, the relic has been ranked by the People's Committee of Khanh Hoa province in Decision No. 2371/QD-UBND, dated August 31, 2011 classified as a provincial historical - cultural relic.