
Dong Tran Military Workshop

Dien Dong Commune, Dien Khanh District, Khanh Hoa Province

  • Certification: 230826094350
  • Provincial monuments

Dong Tran Military Factory is located in Dien Dong commune, Dien Khanh district, Khanh Hoa province.

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History of the formation of monuments

In 1945, after Vietnam gained national independence, the French invaders again invaded our country. Khanh Hoa and the whole country prepared to fight against the French colonialists. The Provisional Revolutionary People's Committee of Khanh Hoa province established a Military Workshop to repair and manufacture weapons to serve the fight against the French in the Nha Trang - Khanh Hoa Front in the years 1945 - 1946.

“September 1945, Dong Tran Arms Factory was established. This is one of the first weapons factories in the South Central region. The production facility is located in the rubber processing factory of the French plantation owner Bulango (Boulanjot) taking it as the main workshop, surrounded by forging, casting, weaponry, explosives preparation, etc. make grenades”.

Monumental features

Dong Tran weapons factory located in the Dong Tran rubber plantation of the French owner Bulangio (Boulanjot) became our revolutionary base, the plantation owner's brick house became the headquarters of the revolutionary agency. network, in front of the yard hangs a red flag with a yellow star. The workshop has more than 50 people in the weapons department, the blacksmithing department, the workwear sewing team, the support team and the military medical team. Those are the workers of many different professions who joined the Military Industry. After that, the workshop was organized into production lines including: Machine, cold, electric, turning, casting, welding, chemical and other parts.

Machinery and equipment of the workshop, in addition to the equipment and machinery of the rubber factory, were mostly taken from the Phu Xuan Long garage donated by Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Vinh and Phan Huu Loc to the revolution. The military workshop was in charge of two comrades Nguyen Xuan Thang and Phan Ba Dong. The workshop's members include Nha Trang mechanical workers, freelance workers of the town such as bicycle repairmen, goldsmiths, tailors, bronze sealers, Phu Xuan Long garage workers, Tran Ngoc Tan garage, etc. some mechanical workers of Nha Trang Institute of Oceanography (Institute of Oceanography), Pasteur Department of Medicine, in addition, some retired government officials volunteered to serve the revolution. The workshop repairs rifles and machine guns, makes parts for submachine guns, presses bullet casings, researches and produces drugs and ammunition of all kinds, produces grenades in the style of American grenades and grenades with wings. At first, comrade Nguyen Xuan Thang, who was assigned the task of workshop chief, suggested that the name of the Military Manufactory be named Nguyen Truong To (technologist, who proposed to improve our country's backward economy during the reign of King Tu Duc, 1848 - 1883) ); then changed to Van Trang military zone, a place in Ha Tinh, where Cao Thang invented the Vietnamese rifle in the French 1874 style, under the leadership of Phan Dinh Phung, the Huong Khe uprising, 1885 - 1896. However, people here are still used to calling it Dong Tran Military Workshop.

In November 1945, during a test of a newly produced grenade, Comrade Phan Ba Dong died, followed by comrade Nguyen Xuan Thang was also wounded and died. Recognizing the sacrifices of the 2 comrades, the workers decided to call Dong Tran Military Workshop Dong - Thang Military Workshop to commemorate Comrade Dong and Comrade Thang.

Thus, Dong Tran Military Workshop is not only a place to repair and manufacture weapons during the resistance war against the French, but also a place for military training of soldiers, a place to propagate revolutionary enlightenment in the locality. direction. During the Nha Trang - Khanh Hoa Front 101 days and nights (October 23, 1945 - February 1, 1946) during the resistance war against the French, General Vo Nguyen Giap, on behalf of the Government, received the invitation of President Ho Chi Minh to go to Vietnam. Directing Front observation: Our main strength is in the defense of the people's hearts. In the near future, the French colonialists will increase their reinforcements and launch a new offensive. We need to foresee, immediately adjust the layout and change the method of combat. It is not possible to keep the current defenses forever, but to actively withdraw the majority of the main force out, leaving only a small part to stick to the enemy. It is necessary to organize mobile units to fight the enemy by means of ambushes, ambushes, and attrition of the enemy's life force, even in the city. It is necessary to organize every region, every village to become a fighting village, creating a battle for the entire people to fight the enemy. At the same time, the province should take the initiative to build resistance bases in the area of Dat Set - Dong Tran.

My opinion was completely agreed by the brothers in the province and urgently organized for implementation

Bia-quan-gioi-dong-tran Beer of Dong Tran Military District - Photo: Hoang Quy


After the Nha Trang - Khanh Hoa Front was broken, in the afternoon and evening of February 1, 1946, the headquarters in Dien Khanh Citadel, Party, Union and Front agencies on the Dai Dien side withdrew to Dong Tran. safe.

On the morning of February 2, 1946, from the Citadel, the French launched a large-scale attack on Dong Tran and north of the Cai River in the Thanh wharf area, in order to destroy the provincial headquarters and our armed forces. . Aircraft and cannon fire from artillery positions at high points around Nha Trang town and the Rishlie ship provided cover for the attacking infantry. The North-South Vietnamese troops and the local troops fought the enemy at Cau Doi and Thanh wharf. Although it was raining heavily, the fortifications were flooded, and they had to fight under fierce bombs and bullets, but our troops were undeterred, calm and brave to repel all the rushing attacks of the French, forcing them to fight back. They had to retreat to the Citadel.

The self-defense units of Nha Trang and Vinh Xuong withdrew to the Chin Khuc mountain area and built their base at Dong Bo mountain. Front headquarters together with Party, government and Front agencies withdrew to Dong Tran - Dat Set area.

The battle to encircle the French 101 day and night at the Nha Trang Front ended. Khanh Hoa army and people, supported by the whole country, successfully completed the tasks assigned by the Central Committee. On the occasion of the 1 year anniversary of the founding of the Vietnamese People's Army, on December 22, 1945, Uncle Ho sent a letter of commendation to the soldiers of the Southern Front and the soldiers of the Nha Trang Front: “The Democratic Government of the Communist Party of Vietnam. The Republic of Vietnam highly commends the soldiers of the Southern Fronts, especially those in Nha Trang and Tra Vinh who have set a heroic example for the whole country.

The country is grateful to you.

All compatriots follow your example."


Dong Tran area has flat terrain, the West is surrounded by hills and mountains, and the East is the Cai River winding around to form an arc. Here, now a crop field and residential area, there is no longer a rubber forest, a factory where the former weapons manufacturing headquarters was located.

To remember the historical event, which used to be one of the first major weapon repair and production workshops of the South Central region, in 1998, the Department of Culture and Information (now the Department of Culture and Sports) ) built memorial monuments on an area of 765.8m2 recording the history of Dong Tran Military Workshop.

Historical relic The memorial site of Dong Tran Military Workshop is not only of great value for the education of the tradition of revolutionary struggle for today and future generations, but it is also a red address "Du history of the source", is our pride in the great national resistance war.

Recognizing the historical values of the revolutionary struggle of the army and people in the resistance war against foreign invaders, the location of Dong Tran Military Factory, Dien Dong commune, Dien Khanh district was decided by Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee to rank No. 3320/QD-CT.UBND dated December 14, 2020 is a historical relic, event memorial venue.