
Dai Tap communal house

Dai Tap village, Ninh Than commune, Ninh Hoa town, Khanh Hoa province

  • Certification: 230826153317
  • Provincial monuments

Based on the earliest ordination that Dai Tap Communal House was bestowed to the communal house by King Tu Duc in 1852, we can guess that Dai Tap's communal house is dated to the end of the 18th century.  In 1810, the communal house was named An Tap.  In 1817, the communal house was renamed Dai Tap.

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Dai Tap Communal House is located in Dai Tap village, Ninh Than commune, Ninh Hoa town, Khanh Hoa province.
* Features of the monument:
Based on the earliest ordination that Dai Tap Communal House was bestowed to the communal house by King Tu Duc in 1852, we can guess that Dai Tap's communal house is dated to the end of the 18th century. In 1810, the communal house was named An Tap. In 1817, the communal house was renamed Dai Tap. The name "Dai Tap" comes from taking the name of the village to give it to the communal house. "Great collection" means a large gathering.
Currently, Dai Tap Communal House still preserves 5 ordinations bestowed by the Nguyen kings. Unfortunately, at present, all 05 ordinations have been completely torn, and are no longer complete in content, so they cannot be translated.
- Ordained November 29, Tu Duc year 5 (1852).
- Ordained November 24, Tu Duc year 33 (1880).
- Ordained on July 1, Dong Khanh year 2 (1887).
- Ordained on August 11, Duy Tan in the 3rd year (1909).
- Ordained July 25, Khai Dinh in the 9th year (1924).
Since its inception, Dai Tap's communal house has undergone three times of restoration and embellishment in the years: 1920, 1956, 1990.
Dai Tap Communal House worships the following gods: Ban Canh Thanh Hoang, Tho Cong, Tien Hien, and Am Linh.
* Architectural layout of the monument:
Dai Tap Communal House is at the end of the village, located in a land area with a total area of 2,564.99m2, with the front facing southwest. From the outside to the inside, the communal house has the following overall layout: Nghi Mon, Phong Nha, main hall, Thanh Hoang Temple (also known as Ba Temple), Am Linh Temple (also known as Co Soul Temple), Eastern House. .
The wooden frame structure of the main hall consists of 4 female columns and 8 military columns. Because the roof structure is in the style of truss. The main pillars in the main hall are painted red and decorated with a dragon shape coiled around the column body very vividly.

Structure of wooden frame in the style of truss in the Main Hall at Dai Tap Communal House

The main roof system has a structure of 2 floors and 8 roofs (each floor has 4 roofs including 2 roofs front, back and 2 gable roofs on both sides), roofed with western tiles. The roof edge is covered with "Two dragons adoring the moon", the blades are decorated with unicorn and cloud patterns. On the upper floor decorated with turtles and phoenixes. The outer wall of the two pliers is covered with bats, meaning blessing.
According to custom, every year on the 15th and 16th of the 2nd lunar month, villagers hold a festival to worship the Spring Bridge "National Thai People An An" at Dai Tap communal house. The festival is held for 2 days and 1 night.
* Historical events taking place at the monument:
Dai Tap Communal House is also the site of many important local historical events:
- From 1945 to 1954: Dai Tap Communal House was the place where revolutionary cadres gathered the people to propagate the Party's guidelines and policies. During the period of resistance against the French colonialists, Dai Tap's communal house was also a gathering place for people to open academic classes, a place to supply food and medicine for the revolution.
On October 14, 2010, Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee issued Decision No. 2631/QD-UBND ranking Dinh Dai Tap as a provincial art and architecture relic.


Inside the Main Palace of Dai Tap Temple