
Chap Le communal house

Chap Le Hamlet, Ninh Than Commune, Ninh Hoa Town, Khanh Hoa Province

  • Certification: 230826153704
  • Provincial monuments

Chap Le communal house was built in a high, open land with a total area of 1,140 m2.  The facade of the Communal House faces the East.  From the outside to the inside, the communal house has the following overall layout: An Phong, Son Lam Temple, Ngu Hanh Temple, Main Hall, East House, Thien Y Temple, Nghia Tu Temple.

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Chap Le communal house is located in Chap Le village, Ninh Than commune, Ninh Hoa town, Khanh Hoa province.
Before 1890, the communal house was named after the village "Thuan Le communal house", with the meaning of following the ritual. In 1890, the name of the village was changed to Chua Le, so the communal house also changed to the name of the village.

* Monumental features
In terms of chronology, based on the earliest ordination that the communal house still kept during the reign of King Thanh Thai in the 2nd year (1890), the communal house was built around the middle of the 19th century.
Chap Le communal house was built in a high and airy area with a total area of 1,140 m2. The facade of the Communal House faces the East. From the outside to the inside, the communal house has the following overall layout: An Phong, Son Lam Temple, Ngu Hanh Temple, Main Hall, East House, Thien Y Temple, Nghia Tu Temple.
At present, Chua Le communal house still preserves 03 ordinations of the Nguyen dynasty's kings:
- Ordaining Thanh Thai in the 2nd year (1890) conferred on Thanh Hoang.
- Ordaining Duy Tan in the 3rd year (1909) to the Emperor.
- Ordaining Khai Dinh in the 9th year (1924) to Thien Y A Na.
It is worth noting that in the ordination of King Khai Dinh to Thien Y An Na, there are phrases " before worshiping Thien Y A Na...which was proclaimed as a gift to Trang Huy Duc Bao Trung Hung Thuong Dan... has been bestowed upon... granting ordination, standard for worship…” This shows that before this ordination, there were other ordinations bestowed on Thien Y A Na. That means that the Communal House has more than 03 ordinations, but for many reasons has lost one (or more) of Thien Y A Na Dien Ngoc Phi as the deity.
The Communal House worships the following people: Village Citadel, Dai Cang Nation Nam Hai four deities, Thien Y A Na Dien Ngoc Phi, Queen Mother Tho Dieu Tu, Son Lam Lord General, Ngu Hanh, Nghia Tu. Since its inception, the Communal House has undergone renovations and embellishments as follows: 1896, 1952, 1971, 1973, 1995.
According to the custom of the village, every 15th and 16th February (lunar calendar), at the communal house of the village, a ceremony is held to pray for peace. The festival takes place over 2 days.
On October 14, 2010, Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee issued Decision No. 2632/QD-UBND classifying Communal House as a provincial art and architecture relic.a