
Tan Hung communal house

Tan Hung village, Ninh Hung commune, Ninh Hoa town, Khanh Hoa province

  • Certification: 230826110251
  • Provincial monuments

Tan Hung communal house is located in Tan Hung village, Ninh Hung commune, Ninh Hoa town, Khanh Hoa province.  When it was first established, the communal house was built with bamboo and cork leaves at Xuong Trau mound, near Cay Cho river.  In 1924, people in the village contributed to moving the communal house to its present position on a high mound at the top of the village.  The communal house worships the village's Thanh Hoang and the predecessors and late sages - those who openly reclaimed land, converted the people to establish hamlets and set up villages.

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Tan Hung communal house is located in Tan Hung village, Ninh Hung commune, Ninh Hoa town, Khanh Hoa province.

When it was first established, the communal house was built with bamboo and cork leaves at Xuong Trau mound, near Cay Cho river. In 1924, people in the village contributed to moving the communal house to its present position on a high mound at the top of the village.

The communal house worships the village's Thanh Hoang and the predecessors and late sages - those who openly reclaimed land, converted the people to establish hamlets and set up villages.

Mặt bằng tổng thể đình Tân Hưng

The overall plan of Tan Hung communal house

The communal house is located on a high mound in the southwest of the village, surrounded by fields and villages. Behind the communal house, about 100m away, is a high mound planted with many cashew trees (digging seeds), also in this mound in 1953 the French colonialists built a blockhouse to defend against our revolutionary troops in the war zone. Hon Lon (Hon Heo).

From the outside looking in, the relic has the following work items: Nghi Mon and surrounding walls, communal courtyard, great communal house.

The communal house has a structure of the typeface Nhat (- ), consists of 3 parts with separate walls, with doors connecting to each other by narrow doors, the right compartment is the place to worship Tien Hien, the left compartment worships Martyrs - 57 martyrs are the The son in the village died in two resistance wars against the French colonialists and the American imperialists.

The house is built in the style of a gable wall - the gable wall is built to the top of the roof, the house only has a front and rear roof, no gable roof. To the right of the great communal house is the east house, which is the common meeting place of the village. The east house does not build surrounding walls, but only erects columns to support the roof system, the roof is covered with western tiles.

The current monument is well preserved, still retaining the original structural features. Over time, the communal house was restored many times, major restoration times in the years: 1924 moved the house frame to build a new place, 1968 replaced the entire roof system, 2004 rebuilt the wall, flushing tiles. and build discipline.

Every year, the communal house is held to worship Spring and worship Autumn (Spring and Autumn Festival) on the auspicious day of the 3rd and 8th lunar month, every 3 years in the festival there is a boi singing.

This place, since 1945, has been a place to mobilize the entire population to participate in the resistance war, contribute human and material resources to support the Nha Trang Front - Khanh Hoa 101 days and nights (October 23, 1945-02 February 1946), typically the Nam Tien regiment "Lu Giang" stopped here; in 1946, Tan Hung communal house was also the place where the election of the first National Assembly of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam took place; in 1947, was the place to return prisoners of war a French officer captured by our troops in the battle of the French invaders at Trang Cam; Since 1953 the French colonialists have built outposts to block our revolutionary army base at Hon Lon (Hon Heo), currently 4 bunkers still exist here as a proof of war crimes. Along with the achievements in the resistance war against the French colonialists and the invading US imperialists, in 2003 Ninh Hung commune was conferred the title of Hero of the people's armed forces in the resistance war against the French colonialists and imperialists. America.

Recognizing historical - cultural values, on November 21, 2005 Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee issued Decision No. 2341/QD-UBND ranking Tan Hung communal house as a provincial relic.