
Phong Phu communal house

Phong Phu 2 residential group, Ninh Giang ward, Ninh Hoa town, Khanh Hoa province

  • Certification: 230826103923
  • Provincial monuments

Phong Phu communal house is located at the top of the village, with the front facing south, in an area of 2,420 square meters.  Phong Phu Communal House is arranged on the overall ground, including the following architectural works: Courtroom, communal house, main hall, east house, west house, Am Soul temple, Thien Y A Na temple, kitchen.

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Phong Phu communal house is located in Phong Phu 2 residential group, Ninh Giang ward, Ninh Hoa town, Khanh Hoa province.

Regarding the name of the village, according to recorded documents, today's Phong Phu village in 1810 was named "An Phu commune" (Nom name is Go Duoi, Go Gang, Bo De, Go Phuoc) belonging to Ha canton, Tan Dinh district. , Binh Hoa government, Binh Hoa town[1]. By the reign of King Tu Duc in the 5th year (1852), the place name "An Phu commune" was changed to "Phong Phu commune"[2].

Regarding chronology, there are two facts to determine the year of construction of the monument: First, according to the old man in the village, Phong Phu communal house was built in 1843 (Quy Mao); second, based on the earliest ordination that King Tu Duc bestowed on Phong Phu communal house in 1852. From these two facts, we can determine that Phong Phu communal house was built at the end of the 18th century.

Phong Phu communal house was built to worship Thanh Hoang, Ong Nam Hai, Tien Hien, Hau Hien, Thien Y A Na, Sound Soul, Son Lam, Earth Land and heroic martyrs.

Since its construction until now, Phong Phu communal house has undergone many years of renovation as follows: 1957, 1968, 2015.

Currently, Phong Phu communal house still preserves the horizontal concubines, couplets, incense burners and 05 consecrations of the Nguyen kings bestowed on Ban Canh Thanh Hoang. Ordinances that allow people to continue worshiping the gods at the communal house include:
- Ordaining Tu Duc in the 5th year (1852) to Thanh Hoang;
- Ordaining Tu Duc in the 33rd year (1880) to Thanh Hoang;
- Ordaining Dong Khanh in the 2nd year (1887) to Thanh Hoang;
- Ordaining Duy Tan in the 3rd year (1909) conferred on Thanh Hoang;
- Ordaining Khai Dinh in the 9th year (1924) to Thanh Hoang.

Phong Phu communal house is located at the top of the village, with the front facing south, in an area of 2,420 square meters. Phong Phu Communal House is arranged on the overall ground, including the following architectural works: Courtroom, communal house, main hall, east house, west house, Am Soul temple, Thien Y A Na temple, kitchen.

The trusses, columns, and extra ends in the main hall are covered with varnish that is both anti-termite and adds an antique look to the house. The residual ends are carved with dragon heads, painted in blue and dotted with a few yellow and white lines. Because the roof structure is in the style of truss. The decoration on the wall is the historical and historical stories rich in themes and diverse in color such as: Natural scenery, eight fairy, two dragons adoring the day... These are paintings/embossed with artistic value. Art, layout is very harmonious and rich in aesthetics. Up to now, the ancient architecture of the monument is well preserved and relatively intact.

Today, Phong Phu communal house holds the festival in the second lunar month. One of the typical rites, attracting the attention of many people, is the ordination ceremony from Buu Quang pagoda (Phong Phu village) to the communal house. Part of the festival: Boi singing, lion dance, tug of war, create unity, joy and excitement for people to participate after hard working days. The festival takes place in 2 days with the participation of villagers, local mass organizations and some friends' families.

Regarding historical events, during the struggle to protect national independence, Phong Phu communal house is one of the places where historical events took place:

In 1946, the whole country held the first National Assembly election of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, Phong Phu communal house was one of the places honored to be chosen to place the ballot box for local voters to vote.

In 1967, the US and South Korea launched two major sweeping attacks with combined forces to hit Hon Ba, Hon Lon, and Hon Heo in order to encircle and destroy the resistance leadership agencies and our main army. 3]. At this time, at Phong Phu communal house under the command of Mr. Nguyen Trong Lai (Head of the East Ninh Hoa region) organized two big battles with two enemy platoons and as a result we obtained great victory.

Recognizing the typical and outstanding values of the history and culture of Phong Phu communal house, Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee ranked Phong Phu communal house as the provincial level in Decision No. 2504/QD-UBND dated 10/10/2008.

1] Nguyen Dinh Dau 1997: Research on the geographical records of Nguyen Khanh Hoa dynasty. - Ho Chi Minh City: Ho Chi Minh City Publishing House.
[2] See also: Contents of the ordination of Phong Phu communal house (Ninh Giang ward, Ninh Hoa town).
[3] Communist Party of Vietnam (2005), History  Party Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam in Ninh Hoa district 1930 – 1975, Ninh Hoa district committee, pp.349.