
Nghiep Thanh communal house

Nghiep Thanh village, Dien Binh commune, Dien Khanh district, Khanh Hoa province

  • Certification: 230826105532
  • Provincial monuments

Nghiep Thanh Communal House is a communal house with long historical value, bearing bold ancient and architectural features, decorative patterns and carvings are preserved relatively intact; decorative architectural art, painting, sculpture of the four quarters, the four spirits and natural scenery rich in folk and lively character.

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Dinh Nghiep Thanh is located in Nghiep Thanh village, Dien Binh commune, Dien Khanh district, Khanh Hoa province.

According to the oral tradition of the old men, Nghiep Thanh communal house was built before the year of the Tiger (1806), located in a public field, 350m northwest of the present communal house. At that time, in the village, there was a scholar named Le Thi who studied very well but failed to pass the test three times. He suddenly thought of the gods in the communal house, so he went to the communal house to burn incense and pray to the Emperor. If he passed the exam, he would move the communal house to a residential area to facilitate the annual incense and sacrifice. True to his vow, that year he passed high and was appointed a mandarin by the court. After the Spring worship ceremony, he let the villagers hold a ceremony to thank the gods and moved the communal house to a new location according to his wishes and the communal house has been located here from February 2, 1806 (lunar calendar) to present and The villagers choose that day every year to hold the family worship.

Over the period of existence, the communal house has been renovated in the following years:
- In 1945, the communal house was burned by the French invaders, the people rebuilt the communal house with simple materials;
- In 1973, the villagers rebuilt the communal house;
- In 1997, the great communal house and Tien Hien temple were restored;
- In 2007, the ancient floor was restored.

Nghiep Thanh Communal House worships Thanh Hoang, Ha Ba Thuy Quan, Thien Y A Na, Ngu Hanh, Tien Hien, Hau Hien ...

Currently, Nghiep Thanh communal house has kept 01 ordination granted by King Tu Duc in 1852 to Ha Ba Thuy Quan. In addition, the communal house has many other ordinations and precious artifacts, but the house was burned by the French colonialists, causing many precious artifacts to be burned.

Dinh Nghiep Thanh faces south, located on a relatively flat land, with a total area of 1,748m2.

The temple has an architectural structure in the style of the letter "Nhat", consisting of two roofs, front and rear roofs, no gable roof, and roof tiled with cement tiles. The four front columns above are built in the style of a rolling arch, in the middle are written Chinese Nom characters: (亭 業 成 - Dinh Nghiep Thanh), the top is decorated with embossed patterns "Two dragons adoring the moon", the two ends are attached with the image of Nghe.

The main hall has an ancient floor, including two roofs, each floor has four roofs. The corners of the roof of the ancient floor are decorated with decorative patterns in the shape of clouds, the roof bank is shaped like "Two dragons adoring the moon", the roof is covered with cement tiles. The wall is built in the style of the gable wall, the two sides of the gable wall run straight up. support the rafters and tiles. In terms of architectural structure, the four main pillars of the main hall form two sets because of the truss-type roof structure. Inside the main hall, there are three altars, the middle has two parallel sentences in Han Nom characters:


Back in the post-son dynasty, Zhou chalked up the heavens to become a page of the temple,
Karma into Phong Cuong Long Lan Quy Phung Long Hung.


The mountain leaning back against red stone adorns the shrine's face,
Boundary of Karma Thanh dragon unicorns worshiping boom flourishing dragon.

Nghiep Thanh Communal House is a communal house with long historical value, bearing bold ancient and architectural features, decorative patterns and carvings are preserved relatively intact; decorative architectural art, painting, sculpture of the four quarters, the four spirits and natural scenery rich in folk and lively character.

During the two resistance wars against the French colonialists and the American imperialists, the communal house was the place where local revolutionary cadres met and discussed plans to participate in the 1968 Tet Offensive campaign of the forces. number of revolutionary cadres and soldiers in the locality.

Based on the historical - cultural values of Nghiep Thanh communal house, in 2010, Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee ranked it as a provincial relic, in Decision No. 3424/QD-UBND.