
Hoi Phu communal house

Hoi Phu Bac village 1, Ninh Phu commune, Ninh Hoa town, Khanh Hoa province

  • Certification: 230826154000
  • Provincial monuments

Hoi Phu communal house is located in Hoi Phu Bac 1 village, Ninh Phu commune, Ninh Hoa town, Khanh Hoa province.

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* Origin of the monument
Hoi Phu village was established at the end of the 18th century, at that time the village had only 2 villages, Hoi Phu Nam and Hoi Phu Bac. After the South was completely unified, to facilitate management, the village was divided into Phu Nam 1, Phu Nam 2, Phu Bac 1, and Phu Bac 2.

Regarding the construction date of the communal house, based on the earliest ordination that Hoi Phu communal house kept in the reign of King Thieu Tri in the 3rd year (1843), it is possible to guess the date of the beginning of the communal house construction at the beginning of the 20th century. XIX.

Over time, Hoi Phu communal house has deteriorated and was renovated and embellished by the people in 1954, 1973, 1977, 2007.

Hoi Phu communal house was built to worship Thanh Hoang of the village, Nghiem other, Gentleman, Thanh Ung Man Thong Hao lucid Trac Vi Duc Bao Trung Hung Thuong Dang god, Tien Hien, Than Nong Dieu De, Earth land, Lord Dong, Lord Xu. , Ngu Hanh goddess, Thien Y A Na, Thai Giam Bach Ma, the spirit of the dead soldier...

* Architecture of the monument
Hoi Phu Communal House is located with a layout in the style of the letter "Nhat" (一), with the front facing south. From the outside to the inside, the communal house has an overall layout consisting of architectural units: Nghi Mon, Phong Phong, main hall, Tien Hien house.


The main hall of Hoi Phu communal house

The highlight in the architecture of Hoi Phu communal house is in the main hall with a system of square columns, because the roof is structured in the style of a truss, the mascot system: dragon, unicorn, turtle, phoenix, tiger, bat... fully exploited. The image of the four spirits is shown in many shapes such as "Long Van Khanh Hoi", "Two dragons worship the day", etc., decorated on the roof of the communal house to pray for favorable rain and wind for agriculture or the image of "Bat Tien too". sea” to bring longevity, fortune, health, money and fame to the villagers.

Currently, Hoi Phu communal house still retains 07 ordinations bestowed by the Nguyen kings:
- Ordained on August 13 of the reign of King Thieu Tri in the 3rd year (1843).
- Ordained on September 11 of the reign of King Thieu Tri in the 3rd year (1843).
- Ordained on November 8 of the reign of King Tu Duc in the 3rd year (1850)
- Ordained on November 8, of the reign of King Tu Duc, year 33 (1880).
- Ordained on July 1, reign of King Dong Khanh, 2nd year (1887)
- Ordained on August 1, reign of King Duy Tan, 3rd year (1909)
- Ordained July 25, reign of King Khai Dinh, 9th year (1924)

Every year, people in Hoi Phu village hold a festival on the 19th to the 20th day of the second lunar month. On each festival occasion, the communal house of Hoi Phu organizes boi singing but not regularly, depending on the annual contribution of the villagers.

During the war, Hoi Phu communal house was the place for cadres to meet and people to practice martial arts to be ready to fight the enemy. Hoi Phu communal house was a revolutionary base, so it was burned down by the French colonialists and destroyed it completely in 1947. In order to have a place for common religious activities for the villagers and also to rebuild the revolutionary base for the people. The village contributed effort and money to rebuild the communal house in 1948 at Hoi Phu Bac village 1 (present-day location).

From the tangible and intangible cultural values of the relic, on December 30, 2010, Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee issued Decision No. 3419/QD-UBND ranking Hoi Phu communal house relic as a historical relic. - provincial culture.