
Hoi Dong temple

Tổ dân phố Phước Đa 2, phường Ninh Đa, thị xã Ninh Hòa, tỉnh Khánh Hòa

  • Certification: 230826105857
  • Provincial monuments

Hoi Dong temple is located at Phuoc Da 2 residential group, Ninh Da ward, Ninh Hoa town, Khanh Hoa province.  The name of the relic comes from the fact that in the past, the village had 7 small temples, then gathered into a common shrine for the whole village, called "council".

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Based on the earliest ordination that the relic is preserved in the 3rd year of King Duy Tan's reign (1909), we can determine the date of the monument's construction at the end of the 19th century. At present, the Temple of Council still preserves 01 ordination of King Khai Dinh in the 9th year (1924), conferred on Thien Y A Na. The remaining three ordinations were almost completely torn, of which, 01 was ordained in the 3rd year of Duy Tan (1909).

Since its construction until now, the Temple of Council has undergone renovation and embellishment in 1988, 2002 and 2007.

Hoi Dong temple worships Thien Y A Na, Princess Quy, Prince Tri, Thanh Hoang, Princess Hong Nuong, Tien Hien (Nguyen Xuan Tinh), Tho Dia, and Ngu Hanh.

The Temple of Council is located at the end of Phuoc Da 2 residential group, in an area of 3,768m2, the front of the temple faces to the south. From the outside to the inside, the temple has an overall layout including: Nghi Mon, Phong Nha, Thu Trung Vuong Temple, the main hall, and Tien Hien house.

The main hall of the Hoi Dong temple

Typical artistic architecture, creating a highlight for the work lies in the wooden frame structure and sculpture and decoration on the main hall. Decorated on the wall are paintings with themes of village landscapes, chickens, fish, pine trees, tigers, phoenixes, dragon horses...

Every year, the Hoi Dong temple organizes offerings according to the "Spring and Autumn Two Periods" custom. The festival takes place on the 8th day of the third lunar month. This is the feast of the Holy Mother Thien Y A Na. The Fall Festival is held in the 8th lunar month. During the festival, there are boi singing and lion dances, but not often, depending on the needs of the people in the village.

On November 18, 2008, Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee issued Decision No. 2854/QD-UBND ranking Council Temple as a provincial historical and cultural.