
Truong Loc communal house

Truong Loc village, Ninh Hung commune, Ninh Hoa town, Khanh Hoa province

  • Certification: 230826104554
  • Provincial monuments

Truong Loc communal house is located in Truong Loc village, Ninh Hung commune, Ninh Hoa town, Khanh Hoa province.

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Truong Loc communal house is located in Truong Loc village, Ninh Hung commune, Ninh Hoa town, Khanh Hoa province.

According to local legends, Truong Loc communal house is dated to 1810 in Go Soi area. In 1930 (ie 120 years after its construction), more people migrated to the village, the original location of the communal house is no longer suitable for the common land fund of the village. For that reason, the old man in the village had a meeting, considered feng shui and moved the communal house to a mound known as "hole well" (current location). This new location has land suitable for feng shui construction of communal house and is located in the west, at the beginning of Truong Loc village. Because the communal house was originally made of temporary materials, when moving the communal house to a new location, the old structures [columns, reliefs, etc.] of the communal house could no longer be reused, but had to be replaced with other materials. New material, better bearing structure.

Truong Loc communal house was built to worship God Thanh Hoang, Former sage, Hau sage, Hau Tho, Thai Giam, Son Lam lord general, spirit soul, soul ...

Since its inception, Truong Loc communal house has undergone renovations: 1930, 1960, 1970, 1995, 2000, 2010.

Truong Loc communal house has a façade looking to the south. The communal house is built in a closed campus with a total area of 2,864m2. From the outside to the inside, Truong Loc communal house has an overall ground layout including the following architectural components: Nghi Mon, flagpole, style plan. , open-air altar, main hall, east house, kitchen, Hau Tho temple.


The wooden frame structure in the main hall now has only 02 female columns (perimeter: 90cm), the other female columns as well as military columns and porch columns are no longer available, but replaced by a wall system to enhance the bearing capacity. force and create ventilation for the main electricity. The decoration on the walls and roof system at Truong Loc communal house expresses the villagers' wishes to the powerful for a peaceful and prosperous life. Truong Loc is a purely agricultural village, so the decorative scenes in the village communal house also have agricultural imprints such as: King Nghieu plows the field with elephants, Khuong Tu Nha fishes, the two dragons worship the sun, but they worship the ocean...

During the resistance war against the French colonialists and the American imperialists, Truong Loc communal house was one of the places chosen by the revolution as a place for meetings, martial arts training, food supplies, medicine, hiding places. hiding place of revolutionary soldiers, exchanging information…[1]. For that reason, the French colonialists completely bombarded the communal house.

In May 1947, at the Cau Mon front, Vu Trung An Company coordinated with Ba Duong Battalion to send forces to be stationed at Truong Loc communal house[2]. On the afternoon of May 29, 1947, according to the instructions of the base, our soldiers sent troops to ambush and dig secret tunnels at Truong Loc communal house to prepare for battle. On the morning of May 30, 1947, a Battalion of French soldiers followed the instructions of a Vietnamese crook from Phu Hoa fort along Cau Tu road to Cau Mon and entered Truong Loc village, searching for revolutionary bases. In this battle, we destroyed 02 French (including 1 officer), 01 Vietnamese cheat, collected 01 medium machine gun and 02 pistols[3].

During the resistance war against the US invasion, Truong Loc communal house was the place where the military command of Khanh Hoa province was stationed. In addition, Truong Loc communal house was also the site of many other battles at the Platoon level, between us and the enemy alone. And during this period, Truong Loc communal house also served as the administrative headquarters of the locality.

Annually, the residents of Truong Loc village hold a communal house festival on March 18 (for Mrs. Hau Tho) and December 20 (anniversary ceremony). During the festival, there are folk games such as chess, tug of war, lion dance, kettle beating and cultural performances. Since 1972, every three years the communal house has held Boi singing on the occasion of the communal house festival. Time to sing worship and serve people is 3 days and nights (from March 18-21 of the lunar calendar).

On August 31, 2011, Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee issued Decision No. 2352/QD-UBND ranking Truong Loc communal house as a provincial historical and cultural relic.

[1] Ninh Hung Commune Party Committee (2014), Ninh Hung Commune Revolutionary History 1930-2010, Khanh Hoa Department of Information and Communications, Nha Trang, p.16.

[2] Traditional History of the People's Armed Forces of Ninh Hoa District (1945-1954), Ninh Hoa District Party Committee, December 1999, p. 76.

[3] Ninh Hung Commune Party Committee (2014), phone number, p.39.