
Hoi Dien communal house

Hoi Dien village, Ninh Phu commune, Ninh Hoa town, Khanh Hoa province

  • Certification: 230826155913
  • Provincial monuments

Hoi Dien communal house is located in Hoi Dien village, Ninh Phu commune, Ninh Hoa town, Khanh Hoa province.  The name "Hoi Dien" comes from taking the name of the village to give it to the communal house.  "Hoi Dien" means a gathering place for gardeners.  This name has been kept from the beginning of the communal house to this day.

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Hoi Dien communal house is located in Hoi Dien village, Ninh Phu commune, Ninh Hoa town, Khanh Hoa province.

The name "Hoi Dien" comes from taking the name of the village to give it to the communal house. "Hoi Dien" means a gathering place for gardeners. This name has been kept from the beginning of the communal house to this day.

According to the old man in the village, Hoi Dien communal house was built in 1853 and was bestowed a ordination under the Nguyen dynasty but was lost during the resistance war against the French colonialists. In 1954, the communal house collapsed, the people kept the main wooden frame structure. Since its inception, Hoi Dien communal house has undergone the following renovations and embellishments: 1938, 1954, 2006, 2009.

Hoi Dien communal house worships the following: Ban Canh Thanh Hoang, Tien Hien, Mu Dong, Muc Tuong, Son Lam Lord general.

Hoi Dien Communal House is located on an area of 560m2, with the front facing south. From the outside to the inside, the communal house has an overall layout including: Nghi Mon, Phong Nha, Son Lam Lord General Temple, Mu Dong Temple, Muc Tuong Temple, main hall, Tien Hien house, and kitchen.

The main hall is the largest structure and is the place to gather the most typical and outstanding architectural features of the monument, as well as the place where the main annual ceremonies of the village take place.

Hoi Dien main hall

On the façade of the main hall, there is a letter written in three Chinese characters "田 亭 會" (Dinh Hoi Dien). Above the middle door of the main hall is also decorated with a letter book with the Chinese characters "田亭 會" [Dinh Hoi Dien (1853-1938)], the two side doors are decorated with a phoenix. The walls on both sides of the main entrance door are painted with pictures of two gods. The two sides of the main hall's facade have a pair of couplets in Han Nom with the first two letters assembled from the name of the communal house:
Meeting one-pointedly towards good,
Fill in the mind to save the peace.
Meeting with a kind heart,
Fill in the mind to save the peace.

Inside the main hall, the altars are arranged as follows: the outermost is the altar of the Council, the innermost is the altar of the God "神", the two sides are the altar of Ta Ban "左 班" and Huu Ban  "右 班". The pedestal for worshiping the God is decorated with unicorns, the pedestal for Ta Ban and Huu Ban is decorated with turtles.

On the main wall of the main hall decorated with "Long Van Khanh Hoi" and "Dancing phoenix".

Structure of roof truss type

* Architectural structure: The main hall of Hoi Dien communal house has 4 circular female columns, the military columns and porch columns are not present but are replaced by a load-bearing wall system. The two female columns outside are decorated with dragons and are very lively.

Because the roof structure is in the style of truss. The set because it has the shape of an isosceles triangle is limited by the first sentence (or hitchhiking) and the two sides of the roof spread out to the two sides. The two long men hang diagonally along the slope of the roof, eat together at the top because, support the upper salary and then run down to the top of the main column. These guys are used to support the roof rails. Exquisitely carved escape column support. Linking the set because the beams create a solid wooden frame structure.

* Roof system: The main hall has two roofs front and back, roofed with western tiles. The roof edge is decorated with "Two dragons adoring the moon" and clouds. The horizontal wall blocking the front roof ledge is decorated with "Four Spirits", "Two dragons adoring the moon"; The edge is decorated with stylized dragons.

Every year, people in Hoi Dien village hold a communal house festival on the 16th day of the 7th lunar month. Hoi Dien communal house festival is really a big festival of local people, attracting a large number of people from all walks of life.

Hoi Dien communal house is the place to mark historical events as follows:
- During the August Revolution, the communal house was a meeting place, hiding leaflets of revolutionary soldiers.
- After 1954, communal house was the place where revolutionary cadres went to hide in the area.

On October 14, 2010, Khanh Hoa Provincial People's Committee issued Decision No. 2636/QD-UBND ranking Hoi Dien Communal House as a provincial historical - cultural relic.