
Dong Nhon communal house

Vinh Trung Commune, Nha Trang City, Khanh Hoa Province

  • Certification: 230826155437
  • Provincial monuments

Dong Nhon communal house was born about 200 years ago, that is, around the end of the 18th century. At first, the communal house was built in the northeast of Dong Nhon village, on Ba Han land. After that, the communal house was damaged and also because it was not convenient to worship, Doan Van Bo and his wife donated a tall plot of land in the middle of the village, contributing their money to rebuild the communal house.

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Dong Nhon communal house is located in Vinh Trung commune, Nha Trang city, Khanh Hoa province.

According to the old men, the village was originally called Dong Nhan village, with the meaning of reminding descendants to unite, live with humanity and meaning. People here used to call Nhan Thanh Nhon, after a long time they became familiar with their mouth, so now the village is called Dong Nhon and also the name of the village communal house.

Structure of the roof truss- Dong Nhon communal house 

Dong Nhon communal house under the Nguyen dynasty belongs to Dong Nhon village, Vinh Xuong district, Khanh Hoa province. According to the old dignitaries: in 1945, Dong Nhon village had less than fifty roofs located at the foot of Nine Khuc mountain, in the Hoang Nguu Son range. To the southeast of the village is But Son village with nearly two dozen roofs. But Son village has a mausoleum with thatched walls. In 1943, But Son villagers rebuilt with bricks and tiles. In 1947, the French invaders forced the people of But Son to evacuate, so the villagers brought the tablet to Dong Nhon communal house to offer sacrifices together. In 1961, Dong Nhon village and But Son village merged into Dong Son hamlet. After the unification of the country, Dong Son hamlet was called by its old name, Dong Nhon village.

Dong Nhon communal house was born about 200 years ago, that is, around the end of the 18th century. At first, the communal house was built in the northeast of Dong Nhon village, on Ba Han land. After that, the communal house was damaged and also because it was not convenient to worship, Doan Van Bo and his wife donated a tall plot of land in the middle of the village, contributing their money to rebuild the communal house. Dong Nhon communal house facing the North, built in the area of 2408.4m2.

From the outside, looking at the relic, there are the following work items: Sen Phong, martial arts, great communal house, Temple of worshiping Thien Y A Na and Ngu Hanh female goddess, Tien Hien temple, Dong house, God Nong altar.

Dong Nhon communal house worships Thanh Hoang, Cao Cac, Thien Y A Na, Ngu Hanh female goddess, Than Nong, Son Lam, Tien Hien, Hau Hien, Uncle Ho and the village's heroes and martyrs.

Up to now, the house has undergone several renovations:
- The first time: in 1941, Mr. Le Tiet at that time was the Chief General of Trung Cat, a descendant of Dong Nhon village, who mobilized public funds, public land, public land and contributions from the villagers to repair the communal house. At this time, the communal house had a public field to serve annual sacrifices in the Co Chat field.
- Second time: in 1994, re-roofed tiles, whitewashed and redecorated the columns, wrote couplets on wooden poles in the great communal house, attached dragon, phoenix, carp turned dragon, stylized rattan on the roof system. family, temple.
- The third time: in 2003, building martial arts and cementing the communal house, worshiping God Nong.
- The fourth time: in 2004, the villagers contributed and deducted from the communal house fund to build a winter house.

Today, Dong Nhon communal house still preserves the couplets, drums, mu, wooden table and has 06 colors that have been eaten by termites in many places, 04 colors are still visible and two colors have been eaten by termites. broken, including:
- Sac Tu Duc in the 5th year (1852) conferred on Ban Canh Thanh Hoang;
- Sac Tu Duc in the 33rd year (1880) conferred the title of Ban Canh Thanh Hoang;
- Color. Dong Khanh in the 2nd year (1887) conferred the title of Thanh Canh Emperor;
- Sac Duy Tan in the first year (1907) conferred the title of Ban Canh Thanh Hoang.

Traditionally, every three years the communal house opens a festival, lasting for three days, and there is a boi singing ceremony. Every year, the communal house organizes Spring worship in the third lunar month.

During the years of resistance war against the French colonialists and American imperialists, a number of historical events took place at Dong Nhon communal house, including some typical events such as:

According to the book "Nha Trang - Khanh Hoa Front October 23, 1945 - October 23, 2000": "The Dong Nhon village self-defense squad consists of ten brothers aged eighteen and twenty…. Dong Nhon village self-defense team was established. This is the main army of Dong Nhon village, a force ready to fight and ready to supplement the Front.”; Page 68: “… So in addition to the practice sessions at the village communal house with my fifth stepfather's sturgeon next door, I worked hard to sharpen the milling knife into a blade.”; Page 69: “… The high, thick cactus fence separating the school and communal house was carved with many squares to facilitate maneuvering within the defensive layout.”[1]

After the Nha Trang Front broke, Khanh Hoa was recaptured by the French invaders. On February 10, 1946, the Viet Minh leadership of Vinh Xuong district returned to live at Mr. Muoi Thom's house in But Son village. In order to protect the district agency and limit the movement of informants, Dong Nhon communal house was chosen as a gathering place for militiamen to patrol and guard at night. The enemy at Phu Vinh fortress ambushed the communal house and in May 1946 Mr. Tran De - a militia member died here.

At 8:00 a.m. on the first day of the Lunar New Year 1968, according to a predetermined plan, nearly 100 people were revolutionary bases of Dong Nhon and Vinh Chau (Vinh Hiep commune) carrying slogans, banners and flags of the National Liberation Front. Southerners gathered at Dong Nhon communal house, preparing to drag into Nha Trang town to protest. At 8:30 a.m., Comrade Nguyen Xuan Minh[2] district officials gave a speech to encourage people to decide to pull into Nha Trang to coordinate with military attacks and other political struggles to attack the enemy. When comrade Minh used the communal drum to beat three drums, the cannons at the Phu Vinh fort were pounding the communal house, where the relatives gathered, injuring Mrs. Nguyen Thi Mang and the demonstration was not carried out.

Recognizing the above typical values of the relic, on November 18, 2008, Dong Nhon communal house was ranked as a provincial historical - cultural relic by the People's Committee of Khanh Hoa province, in Decision No. 2857/QD-UBND.


[1] According to the memoir on October 23 by Mr. Luu Minh Khue printed in "Nha Trang - Khanh Hoa Front October 23, 1945-October 23, 2000" of the National Political Publishing House in Nha Trang in 2000 , pages 67 - 69.
[2] now a retired officer in Phuong Son ward.